The Fridge Effect
Kennon Bauman Kennon Bauman

The Fridge Effect

Can we as leaders (or even parents) use lessons of the family fridge and its function as a container not just for food, but for meaning, to improve our relationships, our team’s performance, and the motivations of all the people around us?

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The Three Cares
Kennon Bauman Kennon Bauman

The Three Cares

The ability and willingness to care, normally a positive, can be stretched out of shape to become a negative. When we stop caring about the team’s success as part of a collective effort, we start caring for them – instead of them, even. Organizational psychologists like those at Hogan Assessment Systems would call this a “de-railer”; coaches with different backgrounds sometimes instead refer to these maladaptive traits and behaviors as “saboteurs.” If this is happening to you, you probably need a change.

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Groups, Change, & Orcs
Kennon Bauman Kennon Bauman

Groups, Change, & Orcs

How’s your team doing? Where are you, right now, in the group development cycle at your job? In your family? In your circle of friends? Is there a place where a member of your personal fellowship is stuck, unable to contribute to your common goals?What’s one thing you can do, today, to help get them unstuck?

Where are they facing hordes of orcs and winning? Where are the orcs getting the better of them, and you?

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What is Coaching?
Kennon Bauman Kennon Bauman

What is Coaching?

Coaching is performance improvement, future oriented….and distinct from therapy, training, and mentorship.

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